Deepening the Breath and The Healing: A Journey Through the 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork Meditation

The 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork practice stands out as a transformative practice that delves into the mind and body. This ancient technique, rooted in the wisdom of yogic traditions, has found its way into modern healing practices, offering a bridge between the physical and the spiritual. Let’s read more about this fundamental component of the Healer Training Level One and Two taught by Danielle Hering in San Diego November 9-12.

The Power of Breath

Breathing is a fundamental aspect of life. Yet, how often do we truly pay attention to it? The breath, in its simplicity, holds the key to unlocking profound healing and self-awareness. It's not just about inhaling and exhaling; it's about channeling life force energy, or prana, into our very being.

The 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork meditation emphasizes this very principle. It's a method that goes beyond mere breathing exercises. It's about deepening the breath, channeling energy, and facilitating a transformative experience that resonates at the core of our existence.

Oxygen: The Catalyst of Transformation

When we engage in this breathwork meditation, we're not just filling our lungs with air. We're infusing our bodies with increased oxygen flow, a vital element that stimulates healing and rejuvenation. This oxygen travels from our lungs into our bloodstream, eventually reaching our brain.

But this isn't about hyperventilation. The process is controlled, deliberate, and rhythmic. As the oxygen reaches the brain, it stimulates the hypothalamus gland, leading to the release of endorphins. These endorphins, in turn, activate other ductless glands or chakras, as they're known in spiritual contexts.

The significance of oxygen doesn't end there. It plays a crucial role in alkalizing the body, reducing blood acidity. Moreover, the influx of oxygen encourages the brain to relax, a state that many of us, especially in the fast-paced Western world, yearn for. In essence, through this breathwork, we're granting ourselves a reprieve, a moment of calm amidst the chaos.

Breaking Through Blocks


One of the most profound aspects of the 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork meditation is its ability to clear stuck energy. Every individual, at some point in their life, encounters blocks—emotional, physical, or spiritual. These blocks, if left unaddressed, can manifest as ailments, emotional turmoil, or a sense of being stuck.

The breath, in its powerful rhythm, acts as a force that nudges these blocks, confronting and eventually clearing them. Yes, it can be challenging. Facing our deepest fears, traumas, and resistances is never easy. But the breath offers a gentle yet persistent push, guiding us through these challenges.

The more we engage with this breathwork, the more attuned we become to our energy. This heightened awareness accelerates the healing process, allowing us to release blocks faster and with greater ease.

Finding Your Purpose

The ultimate goal of the 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork meditation isn't just personal healing. It's about tapping into our higher purpose. As we clear our blocks and align with our true energy, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities.


Not everyone who practices this breathwork will become a healer in the traditional sense. But they might find other avenues of expression and purpose. Some might pen down their thoughts, turning them into best-selling books. Others might find solace in music, teaching, or any form of creative expression. The breath acts as a catalyst, propelling us towards our true calling.

The 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork meditation is more than just a technique; it's a journey. A journey that begins with the breath and culminates in profound self-awareness and purpose. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious seeker, this breathwork offers a transformative experience that resonates at the very core of your being.

So, take a deep breath, dive into the depths of your soul, and let the healing begin. The path to self-discovery, healing, and purpose awaits.

Your Path to Transformation Begins Here

Having experienced the profound impact of David Elliott's work firsthand, I am passionate about sharing these healing tools with you. Whether you're a seasoned healer, a seeker, or someone looking to break free from life's shackles, this training promises growth, enlightenment, and a renewed sense of purpose.

So, are you ready to transform, to heal, and to embrace your true potential? Join me for this immersive Healer Training and let's embark on this journey together. Your path to self-love, empowerment, and holistic well-being awaits.