What Does Self-Love, Exchange, Value & Worth Have To Do With Breathwork?: An Exploration of Healer Training Level 2

In the vast tapestry of holistic healing, breathwork stands out as a transformative practice. But as we delve deeper into its layers, especially in Healer Training Level 2, we encounter concepts that might initially seem unrelated: self-love, exchange, value, and worth. So, what do these terms have to do with breathwork? With Healer Training? Let's embark on a journey to unravel this intricate connection.

Understanding Exchange

At its core, 'exchange' refers to the flow of energy or consciousness that is given and received. While it can manifest in tangible forms like goods, services, and money, its essence lies in intangibles such as energy, respect, appreciation, love, and the Universal Energy Flow. This flow is the life force we witness in nature – the sun, moon, oceans, forests, and even the air we breathe. It's a harmonious dance of energies that humans can tap into, especially when they operate from a place of love.

However, when we talk about 'exchange' in the context of breathwork and healing, we're delving into a deeper, more spiritual dimension. It's not just about physical transactions but about how we connect with the world around us, how we value ourselves, and how we allow love to flow in and out of our beings.

Self-Love: The Foundation of True Exchange

Self-love is not just a buzzword; it's the cornerstone of genuine exchange. When we cultivate a deep sense of love for ourselves, we establish a relationship with everything around us. This relationship is not just with people but with the universe at large. It's a bond that brings the spiritual aspect of exchange into our consciousness, opening doors and creating flows where there were blockages.

If you ever find yourself in a situation or relationship where you feel undervalued or stuck, it's a sign. It indicates an imbalance in your internal exchange system, pointing to areas where self-love might be lacking. The key to rectifying this is to journey inward, identify these blockages, and reignite the flame of self-love.

The Ripple Effect of Balanced Exchange

When we truly grasp the concept of exchange, it becomes a game-changer. As we nurture our spiritual appetite and shower ourselves with love, we set off a positive chain reaction. This self-love translates into a balanced exchange, which in turn amplifies our energy, respect, appreciation, value, and even material wealth. It's a cycle where the more love we give to ourselves, the more we have to offer to the world.

This heightened state of being, characterized by enthusiasm, love, and grace, becomes magnetic. People are drawn to such energy, seeking guidance, wisdom, and healing. And as you continue to maintain this balance in exchange and stay aligned with the Universal Energy Flow, life transforms into a wondrous journey.


Healer Training Level 2: A Deep Dive into Exchange and Self-Love


Level 2 of the Healer Training is not just about techniques; it's about understanding how self-love and exchange are intertwined and how they influence our overall well-being. It's about recognizing blockages, understanding their origins, and using breathwork as a tool to clear them.

If you're not yet operating from this space of balanced exchange, don't fret. Level 2 is designed to help you navigate these complexities, offering insights, tools, and guidance to help you align with your true essence.


Join Us In San Diego for Healer Training

Breathwork, especially as explored in Level 2, offers more than just physical and emotional healing. It's a gateway to understanding the deeper nuances of our existence, like self-love, exchange, value, and worth. By embracing these concepts and integrating them into our daily lives, we not only enhance our personal well-being but also contribute to the collective consciousness. So, are you ready to dive deep, explore the power of balanced exchange, and rediscover the magic of self-love? Join us in Level 2 and transform your life from the inside out.

Deepening the Breath and The Healing: A Journey Through the 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork Meditation

The 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork practice stands out as a transformative practice that delves into the mind and body. This ancient technique, rooted in the wisdom of yogic traditions, has found its way into modern healing practices, offering a bridge between the physical and the spiritual. Let’s read more about this fundamental component of the Healer Training Level One and Two taught by Danielle Hering in San Diego November 9-12.

The Power of Breath

Breathing is a fundamental aspect of life. Yet, how often do we truly pay attention to it? The breath, in its simplicity, holds the key to unlocking profound healing and self-awareness. It's not just about inhaling and exhaling; it's about channeling life force energy, or prana, into our very being.

The 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork meditation emphasizes this very principle. It's a method that goes beyond mere breathing exercises. It's about deepening the breath, channeling energy, and facilitating a transformative experience that resonates at the core of our existence.

Oxygen: The Catalyst of Transformation

When we engage in this breathwork meditation, we're not just filling our lungs with air. We're infusing our bodies with increased oxygen flow, a vital element that stimulates healing and rejuvenation. This oxygen travels from our lungs into our bloodstream, eventually reaching our brain.

But this isn't about hyperventilation. The process is controlled, deliberate, and rhythmic. As the oxygen reaches the brain, it stimulates the hypothalamus gland, leading to the release of endorphins. These endorphins, in turn, activate other ductless glands or chakras, as they're known in spiritual contexts.

The significance of oxygen doesn't end there. It plays a crucial role in alkalizing the body, reducing blood acidity. Moreover, the influx of oxygen encourages the brain to relax, a state that many of us, especially in the fast-paced Western world, yearn for. In essence, through this breathwork, we're granting ourselves a reprieve, a moment of calm amidst the chaos.

Breaking Through Blocks


One of the most profound aspects of the 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork meditation is its ability to clear stuck energy. Every individual, at some point in their life, encounters blocks—emotional, physical, or spiritual. These blocks, if left unaddressed, can manifest as ailments, emotional turmoil, or a sense of being stuck.

The breath, in its powerful rhythm, acts as a force that nudges these blocks, confronting and eventually clearing them. Yes, it can be challenging. Facing our deepest fears, traumas, and resistances is never easy. But the breath offers a gentle yet persistent push, guiding us through these challenges.

The more we engage with this breathwork, the more attuned we become to our energy. This heightened awareness accelerates the healing process, allowing us to release blocks faster and with greater ease.

Finding Your Purpose

The ultimate goal of the 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork meditation isn't just personal healing. It's about tapping into our higher purpose. As we clear our blocks and align with our true energy, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities.


Not everyone who practices this breathwork will become a healer in the traditional sense. But they might find other avenues of expression and purpose. Some might pen down their thoughts, turning them into best-selling books. Others might find solace in music, teaching, or any form of creative expression. The breath acts as a catalyst, propelling us towards our true calling.

The 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork meditation is more than just a technique; it's a journey. A journey that begins with the breath and culminates in profound self-awareness and purpose. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious seeker, this breathwork offers a transformative experience that resonates at the very core of your being.

So, take a deep breath, dive into the depths of your soul, and let the healing begin. The path to self-discovery, healing, and purpose awaits.

Your Path to Transformation Begins Here

Having experienced the profound impact of David Elliott's work firsthand, I am passionate about sharing these healing tools with you. Whether you're a seasoned healer, a seeker, or someone looking to break free from life's shackles, this training promises growth, enlightenment, and a renewed sense of purpose.

So, are you ready to transform, to heal, and to embrace your true potential? Join me for this immersive Healer Training and let's embark on this journey together. Your path to self-love, empowerment, and holistic well-being awaits.

Discovering the Power of Your Intuition: Diving into Level 1 of Healer Training

In the vast realm of our humanity, intuition stands as a beacon of inner connection and healing. It's that innate sense of knowing, that gut feeling that often guides us in moments of uncertainty. But what truly is intuition? And how can we harness its power to lead a life aligned with our true purpose?

Understanding Intuition

In his book, Healing, David Elliott starts the chapter on intuition with the Encarta dictionary definition of intuition as "the state of being aware of, or knowing something without having to discover or perceive it." It's a spontaneous realization, a moment of clarity without any tangible evidence. While this definition holds true, it merely scratches the surface of the profound nature of intuition.

In this way of breathwork and Healer training, intuition isn't about intellectual reasoning or logical deduction. It transcends the confines of the mind, originating from a deeper, more authentic source: the heart. When we speak of intuition, we're not talking about fleeting hunches or vague inklings. We're talking about the heart's wisdom, its ability to perceive truths that the mind might overlook.

The Heart vs. The Mind

Our modern lives are often dominated by logic, reason, and analytical thinking. While these are essential tools, they can sometimes overshadow the heart's intuitive voice. The mind, with its fears, doubts, and over-analyses, can cloud our intuitive insights. It's like constant chatter, often reminding us of our limitations, our fears, and our past failures.

However, when we tap into our heart's wisdom, we connect with a universal flow of energy and guidance. This connection assures us that we're never truly alone. The universe, in its infinite wisdom, constantly sends us signs, guidance, and intuitive nudges. But to perceive them, we must learn to quiet the mind and listen to the heart.

The Emotions at Play

Our emotional state plays a pivotal role in our intuitive abilities. Negative emotions like anger, fear, and sadness are often products of the ego and mind. They create a barrier, preventing us from accessing our intuitive wisdom. On the other hand, positive emotions like love, joy, and serenity align us with the universe, making us receptive to its guidance.

Think about the times you've been in love. Everything seems to flow seamlessly, right? Life feels magical, filled with synchronicities and serendipities. This is because love opens our heart, allowing us to make decisions from a place of love rather than fear.

Reconnecting with Your Intuition

While we all are born with intuitive abilities, the challenges of life can often cause us to lose touch with this inner guidance. The good news? Intuition, like a muscle, can be strengthened and honed.

Engaging with your intuition requires more than just thinking about it. It demands practice, openness, trust, and a willingness to listen. It's about using your imagination, which acts as a bridge between the logical mind and the intuitive heart. Contrary to popular belief, imagination isn't about making things up. It's a tool that allows us to bypass the mind's rigidity and tap into the universe's creative flow.

Intuition is a gift, a compass that guides us through the maze of life. By reconnecting with this inner wisdom, we not only find our path but also empower ourselves to lead a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment. The Level 1 Healer Training is an invitation to embark on this transformative journey. Are you ready to discover the power of your intuition?

Level 1 of Healer Training: A Journey Within

Are you ready to dive deep into the world of intuition? The Level 1 Healer Training is designed to help you reconnect with your intuitive abilities. Guided by the teachings and practices that have transformed countless lives, this training offers a holistic approach to intuitive development.

Throughout the training, we will engage in exercises and practices that foster intuition. We’ll learn to trust our hearts, confront our fears, and embrace the transformative power of intuition.

Your Path to Transformation Begins Here

Having experienced the profound impact of David Elliott's work firsthand, I am passionate about sharing these healing tools with you. Whether you're a seasoned healer, a seeker, or someone looking to break free from life's shackles, this training promises growth, enlightenment, and a renewed sense of purpose.

So, are you ready to transform, to heal, and to embrace your true potential? Join me for this immersive Healer Training and let's embark on this journey together. Your path to self-love, empowerment, and holistic well-being awaits.

Become a Healer with The Power of Breathwork: A Deep Dive into the Upcoming Healer One and Two Trainings with Danielle

Breathwork, a term that has gained significant traction in recent years, is more than just a trend. It's a transformative practice with roots that trace back to ancient civilizations.

David Elliott has brought a fresh perspective to breathwork, making it accessible and impactful for modern seekers. Let’s dive into the essence of breathwork as taught by David Elliott, its myriad benefits, and the upcoming Healer Training 1 and 2 sessions led by Danielle.

Breathwork: The David Elliott Perspective

At its core, breathwork is the art and science of using breath to facilitate healing, self-awareness, and growth. David Elliott's approach to breathwork is both profound and pragmatic. He believes that our breath is a direct link to our life force, and by harnessing its power, we can tap into our innate healing capabilities.

David's method involves a specific pattern of breathing: a deep inhalation into the abdomen followed by a second inhalation into the chest, and then a relaxed exhalation. This conscious breathing technique, when practiced regularly, can lead to transformative experiences, both physically and emotionally.

Why Breathwork? The Benefits Unveiled

o   Emotional Release: One of the most immediate benefits of breathwork is the release of pent-up emotions. Whether it's stress, anxiety, grief, or anger, this practice allows individuals to confront and release these emotions, leading to a sense of lightness and clarity.

o   Physical Healing: Breathwork increases the oxygen supply to the brain and body, promoting better blood circulation and cellular regeneration. This enhanced oxygenation can aid in detoxification, boost energy levels, and promote overall physical well-being.

o   Enhanced Self-awareness: As you delve deeper into the practice, you'll find that breathwork is not just about breathing; it's a journey inward. It fosters introspection, helping individuals understand their patterns, beliefs, and blockages.

o   Spiritual Growth: For those on a spiritual path, breathwork can be a gateway to higher states of consciousness. It facilitates a connection with the higher self, the universe, or whatever divine entity one believes in.

o   Stress Reduction: In today's fast-paced world, stress is a constant companion for many. Breathwork, with its calming and centering effects, offers a natural and effective way to combat stress and its associated ailments.


Healer Training 1 and 2 with Danielle

Building on David Elliott's foundational teachings, Danielle, a long-time teacher and advocate of breathwork, is set to lead the upcoming Healer Training 1 and 2 sessions. These sessions are designed for both novices and seasoned practitioners, offering a deep dive into the world of breathwork and healing.


Healer Training 1: This session lays the groundwork. Participants will be introduced to the core principles of breathwork as taught by David Elliott. They'll get hands-on experience, practice sessions, and insights into the science behind the technique. Danielle, with her vast experience, will offer personalized guidance, ensuring that each participant grasps the essence of the practice.


Healer Training 2: Building on the foundations laid in the first session, Healer Training 2 delves deeper. Participants will explore advanced techniques, address specific challenges, and learn how to facilitate breathwork sessions for others. This session is not just about personal growth; it's about becoming a beacon of healing for others.

Danielle's approach to teaching is holistic. She believes in the power of experiential learning, ensuring that participants not only understand the theory but also experience the transformative power of breathwork firsthand. With her guidance, participants are set to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.


Join Us for Healing Fun

Breathwork, as taught by David Elliott and practiced by countless healers like Danielle, is more than just a therapeutic tool; it's a way of life. It offers a path to holistic well-being, addressing the mind, body, and spirit. The upcoming Healer Training sessions with Danielle promise to be a transformative experience, offering participants the tools, techniques, and insights to harness the power of their breath and facilitate healing for themselves and others. Whether you're a seeker, a healer, or someone curious about alternative therapies, breathwork offers a path to transformation, well-being, and a deeper understanding of the self.

Unlock the Power of Breathwork with Danielle's Healer Training

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that delves deep into the realms of self-awareness, healing, and empowerment? Join me, Danielle, for a comprehensive Healer Training based on the profound teachings of intuitive healer and author, David Elliott.


Level 1: Foundations of Healing

Dive into the basics of Healer Training and discover the magic of the 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork meditation, a cornerstone of David Elliott's work. Understand the science and philosophy behind this breathwork technique and how it clears the mind and body of stagnant energy. Through interactive exercises and partnered breakout sessions, you'll strengthen your intuitive connection, boost your confidence, and embrace the transformative power of self-love. Having been a disciple of David for over 13 years, I can personally attest to the life-changing impact of his teachings. This Level 1 class promises hands-on training, in-depth discussions, and a deep dive into the world of holistic healing.


Level 2: Deepening the Journey

Level 2 takes you further, refining your skills as a healing artist and offering insights into the business side of breathwork and healing. With a focus on self-love, exchange, value, worth, and money, this class addresses the core issues that often hold us back in life. Guided by my teachings, as passed down by David Elliott, you'll explore these intricate topics, uncovering areas of volatility and feelings of being undervalued. While the journey may have its challenging moments, rest assured, it's interspersed with inspiration, joy, and revelations. If you're eager to understand the interplay of these pivotal life topics and break free from limiting beliefs, Level 2 awaits you.


Your Path to Transformation Begins Here

Having experienced the profound impact of David Elliott's work firsthand, I am passionate about sharing these healing tools with you. Whether you're a seasoned healer, a seeker, or someone looking to break free from life's shackles, this training promises growth, enlightenment, and a renewed sense of purpose.

So, are you ready to transform, to heal, and to embrace your true potential? Join me for this immersive Healer Training and let's embark on this journey together. Your path to self-love, empowerment, and holistic well-being awaits.


My Breathwork Journey: A Healer's Tale

In the expansive world of healing and therapy, I've always felt a deep passion and dedication. As a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, my story isn't just about my professional milestones but also my personal voyage of self-discovery and healing through breathwork.

Who am I?

My foray into therapy began when I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in 1992 and later, my Master of Science in Psychology in 1994. My decision to become a therapist was deeply rooted in my own experiences. As a teenager, I faced the challenges of depression and found healing and comfort through psychotherapy.

This personal transformation ignited a desire within me to help others find their way out of pain and towards a sense of wholeness. With over two decades of experience, my therapeutic approach is a blend of traditional talk therapy, EMDR, Hypnotherapy, Art Therapy, Energy Healing, Meditation, and most prominently, Breathwork. I pride myself on tailoring each session to meet the unique needs of my clients.

My Discovery of Breathwork's Power

Of all the techniques I've learned and practiced, breathwork resonates with me the most. So, what exactly is breathwork? It's an active meditation method that uses the power of conscious breathing to bring about deep emotional, mental, and physical healing.

The practice, while simple, is deeply transformative. Lying down, you engage in a specific breathing pattern: a deep inhalation into the abdomen, another into the chest, and then a relaxed exhalation. This not only soothes the body but also calms the mind, paving the way for introspection.

I often say, "Breathwork allows your conscious mind to take a backseat, giving you access to your subconscious." This is vital because our subconscious shapes almost 90% of our behavior. By delving into this deep well of beliefs and patterns, we can identify and rectify the core issues plaguing us.

The Transformative Breath

The myriad benefits of breathwork are truly astounding. The enhanced oxygenation balances the body, reducing the acidity in our blood. As this oxygen-rich blood reaches the brain, it triggers the release of endorphins, setting off a wave of positive hormonal reactions. Long-suppressed emotions rise, waiting to be acknowledged and healed.

I've always stressed the transformative essence of this practice. "Any areas where you're harboring anger, fear, or sadness will emerge. As you become aware of this stagnant energy, it starts to flow, leading to cathartic releases and deep insights."

Why I Champion Breathwork

For me, breathwork isn't just another tool in my therapeutic arsenal; it's a testament to genuine healing and transformation. I've seen its magic work on countless individuals from diverse backgrounds. The outcome? A renewed, self-assured, and serene person, eager to embrace life with fresh enthusiasm.

I often say, "The breath is a journey that liberates you. It's an experience unlike any other. You come out feeling healthier, happier, and more aligned with your true self, ready to craft the life you've dreamt of."

Breathwork is Transformative

My journey stands as proof of breathwork's transformative power. With my blend of professional knowledge and personal insights, I hope to be a ray of hope for those on their healing journey. Remember, "I can guide you, but the real work is yours to do." With me by your side and breathwork as your tool, you're well on your way to lasting healing.

Your Path to Transformation Begins Here

Having experienced the profound impact of David Elliott's work firsthand, I am passionate about sharing these healing tools with you. Whether you're a seasoned healer, a seeker, or someone looking to break free from life's shackles, this training promises growth, enlightenment, and a renewed sense of purpose.

So, are you ready to transform, to heal, and to embrace your true potential? Join me for this immersive Healer Training and let's embark on this journey together. Your path to self-love, empowerment, and holistic well-being awaits.